since 1998

Pacific Innovision Inc. (PII) is a technology solution provider and system design company. Our team performs system engineering, requirement analysis, system design, technology assessment, and high-performance protocol and algorithm design. PII offers system development services from project inspection through system design, implementation, testing, system integration and deployment. Our solution has assisted many large and small companies in the areas of: enterprise software, networking, communication, collaboration (video, voice, multimedia), system-on-chip products, embedded real-time system and mobile platforms, complex real-time system and software integration, system and network management, information architecture and databases, analytics, and big-data applications.
Our engineering team, since 1998, is dedicated to complete all phases of the complex software and system projects with the state of the art software and system development processes, tools, libraries and in-depth hands-on experience. PII assists our customers in all technical aspects of their products and assuring an industrial grade solution to be delivered in shortest time and at a very competitive cost. Pacific Innovision Inc. is uniquely qualified to complete production quality software and system products with several decades of proven experience.
About Us
Pacific Innovision Inc. (PII) has over two decades experience in creating technology solutions for many large and small corporations. PII’s customers have successfully benefited from our in-depth technology know-how. Our services include:
System Engineering, Technology Assessment,
Enterprise software and system design and big data,
Algorithm Development and Simulation,
System requirement definition & analysis,
Software architecture design and specification,
Information Architecture, Big-data cloud-base and SoA application Design and Development,
On-site or off-site system development
Please contact us to receive comprehensive corporate capability information.
Pacific Innovision Inc. team has extensive experience in developing solutions in the following technologies areas:
Distributed Systems and Algorithms, Scalable Software Architecture, Cloud-based Computing, Map Reduce and Parallel Algorithm, Event-driven Software Architecture, High Performance Data Plane Packet Processing and Search Algorithms
Service-Oriented Architecture (SoA), Loosely-coupled Software Systems, Concurrency Control and QoS, VMware Rabbit MQ, Erlang, Public/Private API, Web Services
Stream-based data pipeline, analytics and dashboards
Database Systems, Information Architecture, Big data, NoSQL, Analytics, Hadoop, MangoDB, Couchbase, Redis, and mySQL
Software Architecture, Technology Assessment, Object-Oriented Software, System Design and Methodology, Scrum, Agile, UML, sysML, Doors,
Voice over IP (VoIP) Unified Messaging, Video Streaming and Collaboration, DSP based Voice and Video Processing, and Call Management Protocols: SIP, H.323, Softswitch, MGCP, IP-PBX
Networking Protocols and Algorithms for IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, IPSec, Ethernet Switching 802.1x, Carrier Ethernet, QoS, routing protocols, Networking Control and Management Plane Architecture, System Management and Network Management, MAC stack, Real-time Drivers, Networking Stack, High performance transport
Real-Time Embedded System Analysis, Design, Implementation and Optimization, RTOS, Mobile Platforms
Hardware/Software System Partitioning, ARM/PowerPC based SoC architecture, Hardware/Software Interfacing and Complex System Integration
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